Basic Components of Mathematics Education for Teachers (BaCoMET)

BaCoMET is an international group of mathematics educators. The group carries out research on basic and fundamental topics of mathematics education. The composition of BaCoMET changes between projects but its membership remains at around 20 from about 10 different countries.

The international flavour of BaCoMET brings together contrasting viewpoints, research approaches, and experiences for the purpose of developing new insights for mathematics education. Its method of working is planned so as to utilize international cooperation, not only as a source of inspiration and motivation, but also as a means of improving the quality of scientific work within the discipline of mathematics education.

The outcomes of this international cooperation are presented in publications of various forms but notably in a series of BaCoMET books. The publications are addressed to mathematics educators throughout the world, including interested teachers of school mathematics.

The central importance of mathematics education and the need for its improvement in any society are evident. Discussions in many countries concern how far the teaching of mathematics should be more related to the changing needs and demands of society, how innovation can be incorporated into practice, how new curricula might be better implemented, and how to improve mathematical communication.

The BaCoMET group contributes to these discussions by studying and analyzing scientific research within the discipline of mathematics education on the basis of which recommendations can be made to professional educators and decision makers.

Working Style

Each BaCoMET project is directed toward a unifying theme. Individual members or small groups of members approach the theme in various ways. By this means each project can take advantage of the diversity and international composition of the group.

The members of the BaCoMET group meet at least once a year to present papers and to analyse, discuss and elaborate ideas related to the current project theme.

Between these annual meetings, individual members come together for intensive group work and discussions at the institutional level, and share and critique working papers for the collaborative purpose of producing a coherent and balanced publication.

BaCoMET Project 5. 1996 - 2000

Working Title: The distinctive professional knowledge of teachers of mathematics .

The aim of BaCoMET 5 is to contribute to the conceptualization of teachers' knowledge systems by identifying and characterizing knowledge which is specific to mathematics teachers. This may include belief systems and world views as well as knowledge of and about mathematics. Analytical and normative approaches will be taken to questions such as: What does the discipine of mathematics education say about teachers' knowledge? What models for teacher education are known? What should teachers know, what do they know, and what influence does their knowledge have on their behaviour?

Members of BaCoMET Project 5: N. Balacheff, Grenoble, France; M. Bartolini Bussi, Modena, Italy; R. Biehler , Bielefeld, Germany; T. Dreyfus, Holon, Israel; J. Hillel, Montreal, Canada; C. Hoyles, London, England; J. Kilpatrick, Georgia, USA; C. Keitel, Berlin, Germany; C. Laborde, Grenoble, France; M. Otte, Bielefeld, Germany; K. Ruthven, Cambridge, England; A. Sierpinska, Montreal, Canada; O. Skovsmose, Aalborg, Denmark; H. Steinbring, Dortmund, Germany; D. Tirosh, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Directors of BACOMET Project 5: K. Ruthven, R. Biehler , T. Dreyfus


Previous Projects:

BaCoMET Project 4. 1993 - 1996

Kilpatrick, J., Hoyles, C., Skovsmose, O., & Valero, P. (2005). Meaning in Mathematics Education, Mathematics Education Library 37 Available from

Working Title:

Meaning and Communication in Mathematics Education.

The aim of BaCoMET 4 is to explore the assumptions underpinning the terms meaning and communication in mathematics education and to analyze circumstances that foster negotiations from which the development of mathematical knowledge might stem.

Members of BaCoMET Project 4: N. Balacheff, Grenoble, France; M. Bartolini Bussi, Modena, Italy; R. Biehler , Bielefeld, Germany; R. B. Davis, New Brunswick, USA; W. Dörfler, Klagenfurt, Austria; T. Dreyfus, Holon, Israel; J. Hillel, Montreal, Canada; A. G. Howson, Southampton, England; C. Hoyles, London, England; J. Kilpatrick, Georgia, USA; C. Keitel, Berlin, Germany; E. Kotzmann, Klagenfurt, Austria; C. Laborde, Grenoble, France; M. Otte, Bielefeld, Germany; A. Powell, New Brunswick, USA; K. Ruthven, Cambridge, England; A. Sierpinska, Montreal, Canada; O. Skovsmose, Aalborg, Denmark. Directors of BACOMET Project 4: C. Hoyles, J. Kilpatrick, O. Skovsmose

BaCoMET Project 3. 1989 - 1992

Publication Learning from Computers: Mathematics Education and Technology Keitel, C. & Ruthven, K. (Eds), NATO-ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993. ISBN 3-540-57277-5, 332 pages.

BaCoMET 3 analyzes mathematics as technology and studies the implications of technological development for mathematics teaching and learning.

Working Themes and Subthemes: Computers in the mathematics curriculum: Levels of intervention and change. What might computer algebra systems offer mathematics education? Custom-designed learning environments. Software tools and mathematics education: The case of statistics. Influences of the computer on the teaching/learning processes in geometry. The computer as a cognitive tool and cognitive medium. Mathematics, society and technology. Appropriate technology, rationality and teaching. Goals for and goals of mathematics and technology. Technology and curriculum change in mathematics. Towards a social theory of formal knowledge. Members of BACOMET Project 3: N. Balacheff, Grenoble, France; A. J. Bishop, Cambridge, England; R. Biehler , Bielefeld, Germany.; G. Brousseau, Talence, France; B. Christiansen, Copenhagen, Denmark; R.B. Davis, New Brunswick, USA; W. Dörfler, Klagenfurt, Austria; T. Dreyfus, Holon, Israel; J. Hillel, Montreal, Canada; C. Hoyles, London, England; J. Kilpatrick, Georgia, USA; C. Keitel, Berlin, Germany; E. Kotzmann, Klagenfurt, Austria; C. Laborde, Grenoble, France; M. Otte, Bielefeld, Germany; K. Ruthven, Cambridge, England; O. Skovsmose, Aalborg, Denmark. Directors of BACOMET Project 3: W. Dörfler, C. Keitel, K. Ruthven

BaCoMET PROJECT 2. 1986 - 1988

Publication: Mathematical Knowledge: its Growth through Teaching Bishop, A. J., van Dormolen, J. & Mellin-Olsen, S. (eds), Mathematics Education Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991. ISBN 0-7923-1344-5, 221 pages.

The BaCoMET 2 project involves work on the genesis of mathematics knowledge within formal education. Its major concern is to analyze what are considered to be the most significant aspects of the relationship between mathematical knowledge and the teaching/learning process in order to help mathematics educators to be better able to handle the complex issues facing them towards the end of the 20th century. Formal, institutionalized, mandatory mathematics education is what schools provide, and whilst practices vary between schools, between regions, and between countries, there are nevertheless significant and meaningful similarities which can be documented and analyzed.

Contents: The fragility of mathematical knowledge; The double-bind as a didactical trap; Forms and means of generalization in mathematics; Metaphors mediating the teaching and understanding of mathematics; Tool, object, setting, window: elements for analyzing and constructing didactical situations; Developing mathematical knowledge through microworlds; The benefits and limitations of social interaction: the case of mathematical proof; Mathematical values in the teaching process. Members of the BaCoMET Project 2: N. Balacheff, Grenoble, France; A. J. Bishop, Cambridge, England; G. Brousseau, Talence, France; R. Douady, Paris, France; W. Dörfler, Klagenfurt, Austria; J. van Dormolen, Utrecht, The Netherlands; C. Hoyles, London, England; C. Keitel, Berlin-West, F. R. G.; S. Mellin-Olsen, Bergen, Norway; M. Otte, Bielefeld, F. R. G.; T. Werner, Cogenhagen, Denmark. Directors of BACOMET Project 2: A. J. Bishop, J. van Dormolen, S. Mellin-Olsen.

BaCoMET Project 1. 1980 - 1985

Publication: Perspectives on Mathematics Education Christiansen, B., Howson, A. G. & Otte, M. (eds) Mathematics Education Library. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1986. ISBN 90-277-2118-1, 371 pages.

The BaCoMET 1 project identifies some components in the field of mathematics education regarded as essential, or having high priority, within teacher education, and provides guidance and materials of assistance to teacher education throughout the world.

Contents Social Norms and External Evaluation, Mathematics as a School Subject, Teachers' Cognitive Activities, Textual Analysis, What is a Text? Observing Students at Work, Task & Activity, Classroom Organization and Dynamics. Members of BaCoMET Projekt 1 A. J. Bishop, Cambridge, England; R. Bromme, Bielefeld, F. R. G.; J. Brophy, East Lansing, USA; G. Brousseau, Talence, France; B. Christiansen, Copenhagen, Denmark; R. B. Davis, Urbana, USA; W. Dörfler, Klagenfurt, Austria; J. van Dormolen, Utrecht, The Netherlands; A. G. Howson, Southampton, England; R. McLone, Southampton, England; S. Mellin-Olsen, Bergen, Norway; M. Otte, Bielefeld, F. R. G.; G. Walther, Kiel, F. R. G.; T. Werner, Copenhagen, Denmark. Directors of BACOMET Project 1 B. Christiansen, A. G. Howson, M. Otte

Last change: Juni 13, 2005