Ongoing projects
ProDaBi | Project Data Science and Big Data in School | Info | since 2018 |
ProCivicStat | Promoting civic engagement via explorations of evidence | Info | since 2015 |
WiGeMath | Effect and conditions for success of support measures for mathematics-related learning in the introductory phase of studies. | Info | since 2015 |
studiVEMINT | Development of an e-learning course for mathematics for the platforms Studifinder and Studiport | Info | since 2014 |
DZLM | Deutsche Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik (German Center for Teacher Education Mathematics) Funding by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung | Info | since 2011 |
khdm | Kompetenzzentrum Hochschuldidaktik Mathematik (Competence Center University Didactics Mathematics) Funding by the VW-Foundation and the Foundation Mercator | Info | since 2009 | | Development and testing of teaching concepts and materials for the software Tinkerplots | Info | since 2009 |
VEMINT | Virtuelles Eingangstutorium für MINT-Fächer - ehemals VEMA (Virtual Entrance Tutorial for STEM Subjects - formerly VEMA) Multimedia pre-course in mathematics Darmstadt/ Hannover/ Kassel/ Paderborn | Info | since 2003 |
Completed projects (selection)
KoM@ING | Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzentwicklung, integrierte IRT-basierte und qualitative Studien bezogen auf Mathematik und ihre Verwendung im ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studium (Competency modeling and development, integrated IRT-based and qualitative studies related to mathematics and its use in engineering studies.) | Info | 2012 - 2016 |
LIMA | Lehrinnovation in der Studieneingangsphase "Mathematik im Lehramtsstudium" – Hochschuldidaktische Grundlagen, Implementierung und Evaluation | Info | 2009 - 2013 |
Math-Bridge | Development of European bridge courses with mathematical content Funding by the EU | 2009 - 2012 | |
SinusQuest | The project "Sinus-Quest" conducts an accompanying study for the project SINUS-Hessen, the hessian component of the BLK model test SINUS-Transfer | 2005 - 2009 | |
Data Sharing | "A study of student investigations in data-sharing projects." Funding by the University of Massachusetts | Info | 1998 - 2001 |
BaCoMet V | "The distinctive professional knowledge of teachers of mathematics." | Info | 1996 - 2000 |