On­go­ing pro­jects


Project Data Science and Big Data in School
Funding by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung

Info since 2018

Promoting civic engagement via explorations of evidence
Funding until 2018 by EU Erasmus+

Info since 2015

Effect and conditions for success of support measures for mathematics-related learning in the introductory phase of studies.
This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Info since 2015
studiVEMINT Development of an e-learning course for mathematics for the platforms Studifinder and Studiport Info since 2014
DZLM Deutsche Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik (German Center for Teacher Education Mathematics)
Funding by the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung
Info since 2011
khdm Kompetenzzentrum Hochschuldidaktik Mathematik (Competence Center University Didactics Mathematics)
Funding by the VW-Foundation and the Foundation Mercator
Info since 2009
tinkerplots.de Development and testing of teaching concepts and materials for the software Tinkerplots Info since 2009
VEMINT Virtuelles Eingangstutorium für MINT-Fächer - ehemals VEMA (Virtual Entrance Tutorial for STEM Subjects - formerly VEMA)
Multimedia pre-course in mathematics Darmstadt/ Hannover/ Kassel/ Paderborn
Info since 2003


Com­pleted pro­jects (se­lec­tion)

KoM@ING Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzentwicklung, integrierte IRT-basierte und qualitative Studien bezogen auf Mathematik und ihre Verwendung im ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studium (Competency modeling and development, integrated IRT-based and qualitative studies related to mathematics and its use in engineering studies.) Info 2012 - 2016

Lehrinnovation in der Studieneingangsphase "Mathematik im Lehramtsstudium" – Hochschuldidaktische Grundlagen, Implementierung und Evaluation
(Teaching innovation in the introductory phase of studies "Mathematics in teacher training" - university didactic basics, implementation and evaluation)
Funding by the BMBF

Info 2009 - 2013
Math-Bridge Development of European bridge courses with mathematical content
Funding by the EU

Project info

Subgroup info Kassel/Paderborn

2009 - 2012
SinusQuest The project "Sinus-Quest" conducts an accompanying study for the project SINUS-Hessen, the hessian component of the BLK model test SINUS-Transfer

Info, Final Report

2005 - 2009
Data Sharing "A study of student investigations in data-sharing projects."
Funding by the University of Massachusetts
Info 1998 - 2001
BaCoMet V "The distinctive professional knowledge of teachers of mathematics." Info 1996 - 2000